Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I keep thinking about trying to recap the important things, ideas, themes that went down this summer. I was even going to have the headline "Dear Summer" to quote Hov.

Maybe all that will come, maybe not. But one thing I wanted to put down before I forgot is the question that would not go away. It came up once out of every five times a large gathering got together. People would make their claim with such fervor and passion that you would think you were discussing political ideologies. Someone, new into the fold would hear the question for the first time immediately be in the thick of it, then it would get fired up all over again, people hammering home their points again. This was the cycle that repeated itself over and over this summer.

The question

Who would get it...

Blanche from The Golden Girls


Mona from Who's the Boss?

It is in the opinion of this author that the clear and only rational choice is Blanche.

Why? Blanche, I guarantee is down for whatever. She will do that shit. Plus, she has a vaguely Southern accent, I'm with it.

You are out there wondering, "where is option C or none of the above?" Stop. You are being lame.

Blanche wouldn't care if you came home stinking like bourbon, she's above the petty shit. "Blanche, I'm watching football all day with the fellas." She's okay with that too. She just wants the D.

On the other hand, Mona is so goddamned annoying. Always running her yapper, busting balls all the time. Silencio, por favor!! And I would be willing to bet that she just lays there like a log, and best believe that she is not even remotely hot enough to just lay there.

I know I've heard the reasons why Blanche is no good, like I said, we've had this discussion a lot. I've heard them but I'm not hearing them, if you catch my drift. One argument for Mona is that you get in good with her and then sooner or later you are getting in good with Samantha. That's just plain absurd. Like a pre-teen girl is going to want it with you after you did the deed the old lady who lives in the house, almost a grandma to her. No way in hell man.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

So it's been over two months since the last entry. I just re-read the last couple of entries and enjoyed reading what I wrote about the camera phone commercial. I laughed.

I do wish that I maintained this more than a half dozen or so times this summer. It's not just a clear case of just being lazy. As I have documented in the past, the computer in my room is glacically slow and probably had/has viruses. Right now the monitor is in a different room than the rest of the computer. Secondly, the only computer with Road Runner is in my sister's room. She knows my screename is bigmelhead so if she sees this address in the history of IE, it's just something I really don't want to explain. I don't think there is anything too self-incriminating on here and while I'm at it, fuck it, I'm 23. But still, fam is fam.

Oh, also, when I ask her "Amanda, can I use your computer to check my email?" She doesn't hear that, instead I think she hears something along the lines of "Amanda, I need your fucking kidneys" because that's the type of question that would warrant the type of reaction I get from her. In her defense, I do usually end up checking my fantasy teams, okayplayer, espn, etc.

So if I had updated this more often I probably would have had a better grasp on the smaller but still important things that happened this summer. There are a bunch of things that I have surely forgotten this summer. Two reasons: I have done a lot of memorable things and some minor stuff just gets squeezed out, kinda like those weak brain cells that get killed by binge drinking. Second reason: I simply don't remember a lot of it. Most of the memorable things that I have done under the supervision of alcohol. That's just the way it's been.

I am looking forward to autumn. Playoff races in baseball, football fully underway, being able to wear my deer skin jacket, all three are nice. Hopefully some good stuff will happen in terms of getting a proper job. And I won't be able to say, it just a summer job, I just wanted to have fun in the ROC this summer, which is probably a good thing.

Alright, I'm good for now.